If there’s one thing breastfeeding has taught me, it’s not to be too hard on myself

Breastfeeding, it’s the most amazing joyous, stressful, painful, crazy challenge of having a baby. I absolutely love it, but at first, I found it so incredibly hard.

At the very start of my breastfeeding journey with my son Jack, I kept thinking nothing was coming out. One boob was bigger so the other one must not be producing? I wasn’t able to express more than 2oz in the beginning. My nipples hurt from feeding, and the throbbing of milk coming in was uncomfortable.

As time went on, things gradually got easier. Now I can express more than 5oz at a time, and I feel comfortable feeding practically anywhere! I now understand that one boob being bigger does not mean the other isn’t producing. I learned that you actually squirt milk! When Jack comes comes off the boob, I frequently squirt and realise it’s all over him!

I now understand that one boob being bigger does not mean the other isn’t producing.

I have learned that if breastfeeding is for you then not to be too hard on yourself. You CAN do it. Yes it hurts and it’s hard at first but if you can push through the tough times it’s so so rewarding! 

I was so so lucky to have my mum guide me through it all. I also had the best start having been taught and given tips from the midwives at the serenity suite at City Hospital Birmingham where we had Jack. 

We are doing great, you are doing great! It’s easier said than done but don’t stress out. You are doing the best you can possibly do for your baby. Whether that’s breastfeeding exclusively, combi feeding or formula all the way!  We are mums, and we are unstoppable!!

If this helps just one mum feel better or helps them know how utterly fantastic they are then my post was worth it!

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