Erin O'Reilly


I am a nurse with a background in public health nursing and I am also an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Since the early 1980s, I’ve worked with moms and babies in many settings and situations: prenatal, labor and delivery, postnatal, the hospital, a community health care clinic, a WIC center, home visits with families, and volunteer community support. I am a La Leche League Leader, a WIC Breastfeeding Coordinator, and past president and current member of breastfeeding coalition(s). I work with moms of many cultures, colors, and nationalities. I’ve worked with younger, older, richer, poorer, gay, straight, well-educated, less-educated, exclusively and partially breastfeeding, expressed (pumped milk) feeding, and even adoptive breastfeeding moms. I am also a mother myself; I breastfed my son and experienced firsthand many challenges and rewards of breastfeeding!

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Articles by Erin O'Reilly

Breastfeeding protects and improves the short term acute health of babies While they are breastfeeding babies have less frequent less serious and shorter infections such

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