Become a boobingit contributor

Who we’d like to hear from

Are you a breastfeeding person or expert in your field who’d like to share your breastfeeding knowledge and experience? If so, we’d love to have you become a boobingit contributor. We have an amazing group of boobingit contributors and are always on the look-out for more. We welcome lactation consultants, breastfeeding peer supporters, midwives, experienced breastfeeding parents and much more! Our purpose is to inform, inspire, and empower people on their breastfeeding journey. So can you help us in our efforts and become a boobingit contributor? In return, you’ll have your articles published and be seen as a breastfeeding author and influencer. You’ll receive excellent exposure and a reputable author profile on boobingit – complete with a personal biography, and links to your website and social pages. You will also be listed as a Contributor on our homepage. Top tip – if you don’t have a website you can include a link to your boobingit author profile on your social media pages.

What we’re most interested in

  • Your personal breastfeeding story – here’s a helpful guide for you
  • Latest breastfeeding news and research
  • A particular breastfeeding topic or challenge you want to shine a light on
  • You can also send us a news release for consideration.

Keep these 7 things in mind! 

  1. Aim for at least 500 words per article (no upper limit!)
  2. We don’t mind republishing an article but we love original content more
  3. Set the scene with an impactful introduction
  4. Use headings to split up long paragraphs
  5. Make it easy to read and leave the jargon out
  6. Remember to include your sources if you’ve referenced a person or piece of research
  7. Add photos and videos if you have them
  8. Finally, please no self-promotional content – check out our Partner page to advertise with us instead.

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