Georgina Withers


First time mummy to Freya born at 30 weeks weighing 2lb 10oz. Establishing breastfeeding as a first time mum to a premature baby is one of the biggest accomplishments in my life and we are still going 14 months later. Our breastfeeding journey talks about establishing breast feeding in NICU, CMPA, Reflux, postnatal anxiety and returning to work whilst breastfeeding

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Articles by Georgina Withers

May is Pre eclampsia awareness month and 22 May is World Pre eclampsia Day I want to share my experience with pre eclampsia to raise

NICU neonatal intensive care unit is a place alot of people don 8217 t know a great deal about until it affects themselves or someone

When my husband and I decided to try for a baby I had a lovely idea of what my pregnancy and maternity leave would be

Before I had my daughter I never had a birth plan but one thing I did want was to be able to breastfeed nbsp Little

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