Millie Copeman


ABM Breastfeeding Counsellor
ABM Peer Supporter Mentor
Passionate about lactation, children and mental health.

Total Articles: 14


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Milk Maven

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Milk Maven

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Services Millie Copeman Offers
Mother and baby sleeping
Sleep Consultant
Not Verified
A Sleep Consultant is a trained professional who provides personalized advice and strategies to help parents and caregivers improve their child's sleep patterns. They offer support on issues such as bedtime routines, night wakings, and creating a sleep-friendly environment, with the goal of ensuring better rest for both the child and the family.

Articles by Millie Copeman

Responsive feeding is a very important concept to understand when thinking about feeding babies and something I wrote about during my breastfeeding counsellor training It

Teething can be uncomfortable for babies and toddlers and also for us too As with most things the range from when teeth first begin to

Breastfeeding your child in public can feel incredibly daunting particularly in the early weeks After having a baby it is easy to focus on your

For me breastfeeding was the optimal way to feed my children However breastfeeding is a skill to be learned and I found first hand that

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