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breastfeeding after a c-section

breastfeeding after a c-section

Breastfeeding was something I had my heart set on achieving even before finding out I was pregnant I had seen friends and family members feed

I gave birth to my son Björn in September 2020 via emergency section after an at home water birth plan was foiled by a pre

I had my first baby Arthur in August 2022 then exactly 16 months later Polly was born in December 2023 Yes I have my hands

I had my first baby Arthur in August 2022 then exactly 16 months later Polly was born in December 2023 Yes I have my hands

My first child Freddie was born in July 2020 via elective cesarean section and I naively had done no preparation or research regarding recovery and

After birth it can sometimes be hard to get breastfeeding off to the best start When you have a c section it can be even

April is Caesarean Awareness Month a worldwide campaign setup by ICAN The International Cesarean Awareness Network The month long campaign aims to educate society about

Since we 8217 d needed IVF to conceive and then I 8217 d relied on anti sickness medication to get me through the pregnancy with

As if getting grips with breastfeeding isn 8217 t hard enough breastfeeding after a c section is a whole new ball game Barriers to breastfeeding

It 8217 s hard for me to find the words to start with this story A lot has happened in the almost 2 years since