Terri Yates


33 year old mother to William and Edie. I’ve had experience of breastfeeding through illness, pregnancy and tandem feeding. Gently weaned my two year old and currently EBF his sister
Have worked as a children’s intensive care nurse for over 10 years
Trying to empower the parents around me as much as I can

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Articles by Terri Yates

Like many mums I am on social media but only the ones for old people I m yet to branch into TikTok I love the

I breastfed my little boy for two years and four days When I weaned him it was right for us but it was also the

8220 We just need to check if you can breastfeed on that 8221 As far as I m aware mammals breastfeed People still choose

Apologies if this doesn t sound like a positive birth It wasn t I ve submitted two formal complaints to the Trust I gave birth

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