We are excited to announce that boobingit will be running a series of Live Streams for World Breastfeeding Week 2024 (1-7 August).
Over the course of the week our founder Ruth will be speaking with various special guests about breastfeeding topics that matter most to you. Our World Breastfeeding Week Lives are in association with Ardo – who will be giving you all the chance to win their hands-free breast pump!
What is World Breastfeeding Week?
World Breastfeeding Week is a yearly worldwide campaign organised by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA). Each year has its own theme and for 2024 it is ‘Closing the Gap – Breastfeeding Support for All’.
The focus of this year’s campaign will focus on survival, health and wellbeing. It will showcase the need to improve breastfeeding support to reduce inequalities that exist in our society with a special focus on breastfeeding in times of emergencies and crises.

Join us for a series of Live Stream Events
To mark World Breastfeeding Week we’ll be hosting interviews with top guests over the course of the week on our Instagram account here. We’ll be talking about a different breastfeeding topic each day – from breastfeeding in public to the importance of milk donation. We’ll be delving deep and having honest discussions with our special guests.
Boobingit’s Live Streams for World Breastfeeding Week are proudly sponsored by the award-winning breastfeeding brand Ardo. Their range of award winning breast pumps are WHO Code Compliant, NHS approved and loved by mums around the world.
Join boobingit founder Ruth from Thursday 1st August to Wednesday 7th August for Live Streams on Instagram.
1. Tips for Breastfeeding Multiples
Join Kathryn Stagg IBCLC on Thursday 1st August

Kathryn Stagg is a lactation consultant who specialises in feeding multiples. She created the popular Facebook group Breastfeeding Twins and Triplets UK several years ago, and has now turned this into a charity-run organisation supporting families across Great Britain.
During this live stream Kathryn will be offering advice and practical tips for preparing to breastfeed twins or triplets.
You can follow Kathryn on Instagram @kathrynstaggibclc.
Mark your calendar for Thursday 1st August and join us on Instagram at 1pm BST
2. Breastfeeding in Public
Join Grace Redmond on Friday 2nd August

Grace Redmond is mum to two boys and has recently returned to work after maternity leave. Grace has been a boobingit contributor for four years and has written numerous articles about her breastfeeding experiences – the ups, the downs, and everything in between!
During this live stream Grace will be sharing her experience of feeding in public and offering advice and practical tips for feeding out and about with confidence.
You can follow Grace on Instagram @graceredders.
Mark your calendar for Friday 2nd August and join us on Instagram at 8pm GMT
3. Why Milk Donation Matters
Join Dr Natalie Shenker on Monday 5th August

Dr Natalie Shenker is the Cofounder of Human Milk Foundation and Hearts Milk Bank. She is an Oxford-trained doctor and researcher, and in 2019 was awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship at Imperial College London.
During this live stream Natalie will be talking about the importance of donor milk and how a person can look to become a milk donor.
You can follow Natalie’s charity on Instagram @humanmilkcharity.
Mark your calendar for Monday 5th August and join us on Instagram at 8pm GMT.
4. Breastfeeding Myths Busted!
Join Lucy Ruddle IBCLC on Tuesday 6th August

Lucy is a lactation consultant, published author and speaker. In 2022 Lucy was compelled to write a book about breastfeeding myths – having encountered so many during her years of breastfeeding support.
During this live stream Lucy will be talking about common breastfeeding myths and misconceptions and how they can potentially impact a person’s breastfeeding journey.
You can follow Lucy on Instagram @lucyruddleibclc.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday 6h August and join us on Instagram at 10am GMT.
5. Returning to Work and Pumping
Join Hollie Beckford on Wednesday 7th August

Hollie is a mama of six who shares snippets of her family life through her popular Instagram account The Wanderlust London Mum.
During this live stream Hollie will talk to us about the returning to work as a breastfeeding mum. She’ll address the challenges faced aswell as sharing some top tips on how to cope with the transition of going back to work.
You can follow Hollie on Instagram @thewanderlustlondonmum
Mark your calendar for Wednesday 7th August and join us on Instagram at 8pm GMT.
You could win the Ardo hands-free breast pump
Tune in to our Live Stream Events every day to hear how you can win the Ardo hands-free breast pump!

Make sure you are following boobingit on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to join in with all our World Breastfeeding Week initiatives.