My guest on the podcast this week is Connecticut blogger, YouTuber and mama of two Kallie Branciforte. Kallie runs the popular blog and is mama to her toddler son Miles and baby girl Finley. In this podcast on combination feeding we talk alot about the benefits that can come from doing a mix of breastfeeding and infant formula feeding.
Kallie talks openly about her tough breastfeeding experience with her firstborn Miles and how, second-time-around, her experience and outlook was completely different – leading to a more positive and relaxed feeding experience.
From the very beginning with Miles, Kallie nursed at the breast, pumped milk for top-ups, and also gave infant formula to ensure Miles was getting enough. Despite loving breastfeeding her son, that first year of feeding was relentless and full-on.
“I loved breastfeeding but I just couldn’t do it exclusively.”
Kallie Branciforte

Fast forward to then being pregnant with her baby girl Finley and Kallie knew she couldn’t go through the same rigorous process – especially now with a toddler in tow too. With this awareness came an acceptance that she wouldn’t put the same pressure on herself to breastfeed Finely as she did with Miles. So when they did encounter some blips in their feeding journey, Kallie was open-minded about combination feeding once again – minus the guilt!
Listen to the full episode here
Kallie’s talking points
- How I fell into a routine of nursing directly, pumping after ever feed and supplementing with formula for my first-born
- Why my mental health took a hit due to the often relentless feeding process for Miles
- Being prepared and ready to advocate for myself when it came to baby no.2
- How my daughter Finley breastfeed brilliantly from the beginning but then was slow to gain weight
- My experience combination feeding for a second-time and why I don’t obsess over this choice
- The importance of being well-informed and knowing your feeding options for your baby