In this Christmas special, we speak with Dr Afif El-Khuffash about everything you need to know about drinking alcohol whilst breastfeeding – during the festive season and beyond.
Afif is a neonatologist, paediatrician and a lactation consultant working at the Rotunda Hospital in Dublin, Ireland. He co-hosts the The Baby Tribe podcast and is also a talented artist whose paintings depict the wide range of emotion, experiences, struggles and elation that come with the breastfeeding journey.
In this episode we speak about safe drinking practices whilst breastfeeding – whether that’s enjoying one drink or more. We uncover the myths surrounding drinking alcohol whilst breastfeeding and how outdated information can be damaging to the breastfeeding relationship.

Afif provides us with the most up-to-date information and guidance around drinking alcohol while breastfeeding so that you can make an informed choice. He finishes by sharing helpful advice on how to prepare and plan for a night out socialising and being away from your breastfed baby.
“It takes your body about two hours to clear your blood from the alcohol resulting from drinking one standard drink. So if you drink a small glass of wine or half a pint or one pub measure of a spirit then you cannot breastfeed your baby for the following two hours.”
Afif El-Khuffash
Listen to the episode now
Listen to our episode with Afif El-Khuffash now.
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