“I Never Expected to Say This—I’m Actually a Human Cow!”

Jodie with her wearable breast pump

When I was asked to share my breastfeeding/pumping  journey, it got me thinking about how far I have come in such a short time. Just 5 months ago I knew nothing about what my body was capable of doing! 

My name is Jodie and I’m a proud member of the boy mum club! I have an almost 3 year old, Teddy and 5 month old baby Jude.

My first-born son Teddy was born via planned c-section at 38 weeks weighing 6lb 8oz. He had 0/10 tongue function, requiring a frenotomy at 5 weeks old. I never even considered breastfeeding or pumping as my midwife told me at birth “you’re wasting your time with a tongue like that”. Now, I look back in disgust at how poor her practice was, but as a first time mum I did as I was told. 

Jodie's baby son

I Wanted To Try Breastfeeding With My Second Son

My second son Jude was born at 37 weeks via emergency c-section. I had pre-eclampsia and had to have an emergency transfer to a hospital out of area. I quickly realised that Jude may require NICU treatment and he was going to be even smaller than Ted was. For the first time I considered the idea of giving him my breast milk and I hoped this would be an option for me second-time around.

Jude was born weighing 5lb 8oz and luckily he didn’t require any extra support. The care I received at the hospital was amazing. I was given support via a feeding specialist and I decided I would combi-feed Jude, using both breast milk and formula. Jude took to the breast quite easily and was happy with breast or bottle.

I was given support via a feeding specialist and I decided I would combi-feed Jude

The Flexibility of Giving My Baby A Bottle and Breast

It wasn’t until Jude was around a month old that I looked into pumping breast milk but I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or where to even start. Fortunately for me I have 3 friends, Charlotte, Jess and Grace who helped me get going with buying a pump, how to store breast milk and how to give Jude my expressed milk.

reusable breast milk bags
Re-usable breast milk storage bags

I use the Pippeta wearable breast pump as recommended by Jess, which I find so easy to use. The pump is compact and sits in my bra whilst I cook, clean or see to the boys. My favourite Christmas present was actually  re-usable breast milk bags, wow! How did I ever manage without them?!

People Don’t Even Realise I Am Pumping Milk!

Once I got the hang of pumping it quickly became part of my daily routine. I felt such at a sense of achievement watching my husband or my mum feed Jude a bottle of milk that I’d produced. 

Jodie pumping milk using the Pippeta wearable breast pump
Jodie pumping milk using her wearable pump

I am actually a human cow though, I don’t go anywhere without my wearable breast pump. People don’t even realise I have it on most of the time! Even Teddy points and says “Baby Jude milk”.

I never for one minute thought I’d do 5 days, let alone 5 months of giving Jude my milk. I hope to continue pumping for as long as I can for him. It’s no longer a chore, it’s part of my routine. I often make tea with my pump attached!

I hope to continue pumping for as long as I can for him.

Jodie and son

My Breastfeeding Support Network

I have such a fantastic breastfeeding support network. My fellow breastfeeding mama friends are always so supportive – and at one point they helped me overcome mastitis (I hope that was a one off, ouch!). I’m always asking them for advice and they are always there for me – even in the middle of the night when I needed their help and advice!

My husband has also been a fantastic support – even though he had very little breastfeeding knowledge. He has seen me shed a fair few tears whilst pumping with mastitis and has really helped me through.  

My Advice For Anyone Who Wants To Express Milk

I hope to continue to feed Jude for as long as I can. I’m so grateful for the support I’ve received which has enabled me to get this far.

For anybody wanting to express – don’t put too much pressure on yourself. I would say don’t set yourself goals, such as “I want to feed for the first however many months”. Just go with the flow and never be afraid to ask for help or advice. 

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