Picture this: you’re lying on a GP’s bed, legs akimbo, and you are trying to make small talk with a nurse while a doctor gets up close and personal with your cervix. Now, add a hungry baby to the mix. That was me during a smear test – breastfeeding like it was the most natural thing in the world (SPOILER: it is).
Breastfeeding Anytime, Anywhere?
If there’s one thing being a breastfeeding mum has taught me, it’s that you can and will nurse anywhere. And yes, that includes during a cervical screening.
Following complications after birth, I had an appointment for an urgent smear test. The only problem, I am a stay-at-home mum with limited options for childcare. I had no choice but to bring my toddler along. Maeve, of course, picked the exact moment the doctor said, “Just relax” to decide she was starving.
So there I was top half feeding a baby, bottom half with just a sheet of paper protecting my dignity. The nurse gave me an impressed nod, the doctor carried on unfazed, and my daughter latched like a champ. I’m unsure if it was the distraction of nursing or the surge of oxytocin, but I have never been so calm during a smear before!
As A Breastfeeding Mum, The Law Is On Your Side
As I lay there, multitasking in the most unusual way possible, I realised just how second nature breastfeeding had become. And yet, so many mums still feel like they need to hide it away. But here’s the thing: you don’t. The law is on your side.

The Equality Act 2010 explicitly protects breastfeeding mothers, making it illegal to treat a woman unfairly for nursing her child. It also prohibits anyone from asking a mother to stop breastfeeding or move to a more private location.
The Equality Act 2010 explicitly protects breastfeeding mothers, making it illegal to treat a woman unfairly for nursing her child.
Breastfeeding in Public: Why It Matters
As my ability to breastfeed anytime, anywhere has become second nature breastfeeding, I’m aware that this is not the case for everyone. There are many mothers who feel hesitant or uncomfortable nursing in public. And that’s exactly why World Breastfeeding in Public Day exists—to raise awareness, challenge stigma, and remind mums everywhere that breastfeeding isn’t something to hide. Since 2022, World Breastfeeding in Public Day has been celebrated annually on February 22nd.
Every mum deserves the right to feed their baby whenever and wherever they need to. This global awareness day is a powerful reminder that breastfeeding in public is normal, natural, and legally protected.
Breastfeeding In Public With Confidence
Too often, mums feel pressured to hide away while feeding, as if nourishing a baby is something to be ashamed of—but it’s not. I remember the first time I breastfed in public; I was so nervous that I actually asked my friend if I was allowed to nurse my unsettled newborn. We were in a busy café, and with her encouragement, I went for it. And you know what? No one said a word. No one even looked. It was a completely positive experience.

Now, with my daughter at two years old, I still confidently nurse her in public whenever she needs it. Having support and knowing your rights makes all the difference—it’s your body, your baby, and your choice.
Now, with my daughter at two years old, I still confidently nurse her in public whenever she needs it.
Mums, you are legally allowed to breastfeed wherever you need to. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise. So go ahead – nurse your baby, and own your motherhood with confidence. Your body is magic, never apologise for it.