“I went vegan whilst breastfeeding to see if would help my son’s allergic reactions”

vegan whilst breastfeeding

When I first found out I was pregnant, breastfeeding was the first thing on my mind. I couldn’t wait to be able to feed my child in the best way possible and give him all the good nutrients. I was really excited to breastfeed, and I would imagine how my baby would latch on once he was born. I got bottles and a hand pump as I was determined to pump and ensure he got colostrum and all the good stuff at the very beginning.

Induced at 37 weeks

I was induced at 37 weeks as baby was measuring bigger than your average baby. In total, my birth was 36 hours long and after a hormone drip, epidural and Epistotomy, my son Rocky was born on the 7 November weighing 8lbs 11oz.

I felt like I had quite a positive birth in comparison to a lot of women who’ve given birth during a pandemic but it was very lonely. I was induced on 5th November and my partner wasn’t allowed in until 7th when I was 5cm dilated and awaiting a delivery suite. He was then booted out 3-4 hours after I gave birth, leaving me alone with three other ladies on a ward full of crying babies (except mine who slept alot and led me into a false sense of security haha). Definitely an experience I’ll never forget! 

vegan whilst breastfeeding

I was induced on 5th November and my partner wasn’t allowed in until 7th when I was 5cm dilated and awaiting a delivery suite

The first feed

When a nurse and midwife came around to check on baby, baby’s weight etc they suggested giving my baby their first feed. It was a bit tricky as I couldn’t / he couldn’t latch fully or properly. We were trying the usual “breastfeeding” pose of baby laying across your lap and it just wasn’t working.

A midwife came back about an hour later and closed the curtain around us and then she began to show me different positions baby could latch on from. He instantly latched in the rugby ball position and it was most comfortable for both of us. He laid on a pillow and I was sat on one rubber ring due to the Episiotomy, so it worked for both of us.

He instantly latched in the rugby ball position and it was most comfortable for the both of us.

Breastfeeding felt so natural and empowering. In the beginning, I often worried if he was gaining weight (as many of us do) but he was growing perfectly and putting on weight as he should week by week. I felt so amazing! How incredible is the female body to just be able to produce something that our child can survive off for months, years even. 

Reflux and allergic reactions

Unfortunately, it wasn’t long before he started suffering from silent reflux and displaying other worrying symptoms. He had hives all over his body, as well as eczema, and his nappies were green or mucus-like. My mum instinct told me something more was wrong other than the reflux.

Whilst we waited on a diagnosis I decided to go vegan to see if that would help. I’d looked into his symptoms and everything seemed to point to an allergic reaction. From what I read I suspected he might have a dairy allergy but wasn’t sure so I decided to start from the beginning and cut everything out. Immediately the rash went away. The times I accidentally ate something with milk in it Rocky would have awful diarrhoea again so I knew milk was definitely an issue

Whilst we waited on a diagnosis I decided to go vegan to see if that would help.

When I saw a doctor they agreed he was allergic to milk. However, when we began weaning Rocky onto foods, one day we tried him with runny egg and soldiers and instantly the red marks on his face began appearing within just one minute of eating it.

After multiple doctors appointments and tests, we later found out that he was actually dairy and egg intolerant. Hallelujah! Finally, someone actually told me I wasn’t going crazy, I felt a huge relief.

Going back to work

When Rocky was around 8/9 months old we then decided it was time to introduce a bottle as I was going back to work soon and his dad also wanted to be able to feed him. I tried to pump but after three rounds of mastitis and barely any support from midwives and consultants due to Covid, I just wasn’t able to express very much at all. We decided to put Rocky on infant formula.

When Rocky was around 8/9 months old we then decided it was time to introduce a bottle as I was going back to work soon

Thankfully after a few tries with a bottle of formula he took to it and we’ve not looked back! I had such a positive experience with breastfeeding regardless of the issues. I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat!

Disclosure: This story is someone’s own personal account of their breastfeeding journey. The views and opinions expressed are those of the author and are not upheld in any way by Boobingit. Please seek the help of a medical professional should you need it whilst breastfeeding.

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