In honour of World Breastfeeding Week, a photographer from South London decided to bring women together to show the strength and beauty in their role as nursing mothers. The result was a spellbinding photoshoot showing mothers in all their natural glory…
Ania Hrycyna is an acclaimed South London-based photographer known for capturing the authentic and emotional stories of Motherhood. To celebrate World Breastfeedng Week, Ania wanted to bring a diverse set of breastfeeding mamas together in solidarity. It was a chance for them to meet and connect. An opportunity to talk about the challenges of breastfeeding and celebrate in the fact they’ve been able to nourish their little ones.
Breastfeeding is worth celebrating

As a mother herself, Ania’s own personal experience of breastfeeding motivated her to create something special for World Breastfeeding Week. She knows only too well the personal and societal challenges mothers face on their breastfeeding journey. It’s these challenges which often make it difficult to carry on breastfeeding if the right support isn’t available.
Ania is well aware of the low breastfeeding rates in the UK. In her own creative way she wanted to help raise awareness and support for breastfeeding. Through her special and personal photography project for World Breastfeeding Week she hopes people will feel empowered to breastfeed. It’s also important to her that everyone can see breastfeeding as a beautiful act and one worth celebrating.
Photos to challenge societal taboos of breastfeeding

The outcome of the get-together was a stylish festival-themed outdoor breastfeeding shoot, showing mamas breastfeeding with confidence, strength and beauty. The images showcase the incredible bond between mother and child whilst challenging the societal taboos that still exist around breastfeeding in public.
Kirsty was one of the mothers taking part in the shoot with her little one. During the shoot she commented: “I think as a society we need to be more open about the issues surrounding breastfeeding and where to go for support so that women can prepare themselves for the common issues and not struggle silently.”
Showing the strength and beauty of breastfeeding

Speaking about her special breastfeeding shoot, Ania said: “I wanted to create a visual narrative that celebrates the strength and beauty of breastfeeding. By showcasing these remarkable women in natural, outdoor settings, I hope to empower other mothers and inspire a shift in the public perception of breastfeeding. Every mother deserves the right to feed her child without fear or judgement.”
Ania hopes that her project presents breastfeeding as a beautiful and empowering act that should be embraced and supported by society. Afterall, mothers have the right to nourish and care for their children wherever they choose.