The 5 postpartum products every new mama needs in their hospital bag

postpartum products

Chances are you’ve written a birth plan, decorated the nursery and packed your hospital bag with cute babygrows and tiny little hats…but what about you? Have you packed anything in your bag that will help you recover from birth? 

Whether you have a vaginal birth or cesarean birth, hospital birth, or home birth, preparing for postpartum recovery will be one of the best things you will do for yourself. That’s because childbirth is one of the biggest and most momentous tasks your body will go through. On average it takes between 6-8 weeks to physically recover from childbirth, but of course every person and situation is different.

The most important thing is to give yourself grace and the time to recover and bond with your new little bundle of joy. You are entering the fourth trimester and your mind and body need time to rest, restore and recover.

To help you prepare for postpartum recovery in the best way possible, here are five hero products from First Days Maternity. These products will help you physically heal and recover faster, allowing you to adjust to the fourth trimester and navigate life with your newborn. Pack them in your hospital bag or have them at home for easy access! 

1. Peri Bottle 

If you have a vaginal birth, you’ll be sore and tender in the perineal area. Going to the toilet in those first few days postpartum can be uncomfortable and the last thing you want is to use toilet paper against your tender area. Diluting the urine with water will help to reduce the chances of any stinging.

The Peri Bottle is a cleverly designed spray bottle with a retractable nozzle that allows you to clean and soothe yourself thoroughly after going to the toilet. All you have to do is fill the bottle with warm water and it provides a continuous flow of water for up to 90 seconds, giving you some much-needed relief and the peace of mind that you are clean. Regularly washing the perineal area helps reduce the risk of infection – particularly important if you’ve had an episiotomy or stitches. 

There is no reason to dispose of the Peri Bottle when your postpartum period is over. You can continue to use it for everyday bathroom hygiene for years to come.

Top mama tip: “Get your bottle filled before you need to go to the loo, save yourself time in those desperate moments”

2. Instant Perineal Cold Packs

After labouring and childbirth your perineal area may be swollen and bruised – especially if you’ve experienced a tear during delivery and required stitches. The good news is that cooling therapy can help ease perineal pain and discomfort after labour

These Instant Perineal Cold Packs are award-winning for their ability to help aid healing and the fact they double up as maternity pads for postpartum healing protection. You simply squeeze the pad to rupture the inner chamber and shake to activate the cooling effect. Place in your underwear, just as you would with a regular maternity pad and enjoy a cooling sensation for around 20 minutes.

The Instant Perineal Cold Packs can also be used if you have post-pregnancy piles.

Top mama tip: “If you require even colder temperatures, spray / sprinkle a small amount of water onto the cold pack before shaking it.”

3. Witch Hazel Pads 

Pregnancy haemorrhoids are no laughing matter, nor are postpartum haemorrhoids or the downstairs soreness that follows childbirth. However, they are very common and so it makes sense to have some soothing witch hazel to hand. Witch hazel has been a staple in medicine cabinets around the globe for centuries and has long been used as a compress to reduce inflammation of the skin. 

Pre-soaked Witch Hazel Pads are an ideal way to soothe haemorrhoids in a way that’s quick and convenient. Simply place one or more pads on top of your maternity towel or Instant Perineal Cold Packs and leave in place until the next change.  They are the perfect addition to your already bulging hospital bag! 

Use any leftover Witch Hazel Pads to help clean and soothe common cuts and bruises.

Top mama tip:  “Store in the fridge for extra cooling effect.” 

4. Hydrogel Breast Pads 

postpartum products - hydrogel breast pads

Breastfeeding your newborn is a learning process for both you and baby. When your milk comes in your breasts can feel tender, uncomfortable and engorged. Your nipples may also become tender and sore from constant feeding sessions or from a poor latch.

Hydrogel Breast Pads can make your breastfeeding journey a little easier by providing instant cooling and soothing relief to your breasts and nipples. The special Hydrogel formulation helps you to heal by quickly restoring the skin’s natural moisture. Soft fabric backing helps protect the sensitive skin from further irritation or injury. They can even be used to help heal minor wounds on other parts of your body.

Please remember, if you experience prolonged discomfort or pain whilst breastfeeding seek help from your healthcare provider or lactation specialist. 

Top mama tip: “Store the Hydrogel Breast Pads in the fridge for extra cooling effect”

5. Sitz Bath

postpartum products - sitz bath

Previously known as ‘hip bath’ or ‘bidet’ the Sitz Bath is a convenient piece of equipment for personal hygiene as well soothing ailments such as haemorrhoids or perineal discomfort following childbirth.

The new collapsable Sitz bath is easy to use (and easy to store when not in use). Simply unfold it, lift your toilet seat and place your Sitz bath directly on the rim of the toilet bowl. Once the Sitz bath is securely in place, fill it using a jug of warm water or magic solution of your choice.

The Sitz bath will be a welcome addition to your bathroom after childbirth and beyond – for those times you want to give yourself a freshen up or perhaps even a Yoni steam.

Top mama tip – “Bring the Sitz bath out again when you are ready to toilet train your little one!”

We know nothing can quite prepare you for how you will feel after having a baby – but you can help give yourself the best possible start to healing and recovery with these postpartum hero products. Each one is a worthy investment and we love that many of these products can be used in more than one way, giving them true hero status.

You can find out more about First Day Maternity and their range of pregnancy and postpartum products on their website

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