boobingit goes live for World Breastfeeding Week 2022!

boobingit goes live for World Breastfeeding Week 2022

We are excited to announce that boobingit will be doing a series of Instagram Lives for World Breastfeeding Week (1-7 August). Over the course of the week our founder Ruth will be speaking with a special guest every day. Our World Breastfeeding Week Lives are in association with Lola&Lykke – who will be giving you all the chance to win their award-winning smart electric breast pump!

What is World Breastfeeding Week?

World Breastfeeding Week is a yearly worldwide campaign organised by the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action (WABA). Each year has it’s own theme and for 2022 the focus is on Stepping up for Breastfeeding’. The aim is to help increase the level and provision of breastfeeding support.

Breastfeeding is one of the best investments for saving lives and improving the health, social and economic development of individuals and nations. There is a growing need for breastfeeding to be seen as shared responsibility in order to protect, promote and support breastfeeding for sustainable development.

Join us for Instagram Live interviews over seven days

To mark World Breastfeeding Week we’ll be hosting seven interviews with top guests over the course of the week on our Instagram account here. We’ll be talking about a different breastfeeding topic each day – from ways to increase your milk supply to tips for breastfeeding in public. We’ll be delving deep and having honest discussions with our special guests.

Boobingit’s Instagram Live interviews for World Breastfeeding Week is proudly sponsored by the health and wellbeing brand Lola&Lykke whose electric breast pump was named Best Breast Pump 2022. Tune in every day for a chance to win a breast pump courtesy of Lola&Lykke!

Join boobingit founder Ruth every day for an Instagram Live from Monday 1 August to Sunday 8 August.

Monday 1 August

Milk supply when breastfeeding | Alissa Pemberton, Midwife & IBCLC

Alissa Pemberton Instagram live - Milk supply when breastfeeding

Alissa is a Midwife and IBCLC as well as a Holistic Sleep Coach. Many people turn to Alissa aka @mother.and.milk for help and support for low milk supply.

There are many breastfeeding mamas who worry about their milk supply and whether or not they are producing enough for their baby.

Alissa will tell us about the common causes for low milk supply, the signs to look out for and ways in which you can help boost your milk supply for the successful continuation of breastfeeding. She’ll also address the common misconceptions around milk supply.

Mark your calendar for Monday 1 August and join us on Instagram at 8pm GMT

Tuesday 2 August

Breastfeeding multiples | Katie Hillier, twin mama

Katie Hillier Instagram live - Breastfeeding multiples

Katie Hillier is a personal trainer who lives in Australia with her husband and twin boys. Through her popular Instagram page @kthillier she charts her life as a busy mama – including her breastfeeding experiences.

Many parents who are pregnancy with twins or triplets wonder if breastfeeding will be possible for them. Katie will share her feelings on breastfeeding during pregnancy and how she made it work with her boys. She’ll share the ups and downs of breastfeeding her twins, what worked for her and the top tips she’s learned along the way.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday 2 August and join us on Instagram at 12pm GMT

Wednesday 4 August

Breastfeeding in public | Ally Thuering, The Badass Breastfeeder

Abby Theuring Instagram  live - Breastfeeding in public

Abby Theurling is the activist and blogger behind the hugely popular podcast ‘The Badass Breastfeeder’. Boasting over 110K followers on Instagram, @thebadassbreastfeeder is all about empowering people to breastfeed on their own terms.

We know that the topic of breastfeeding in public continues to be a problematic one for lots of people. It also happens to be one of Abby’s favourite things to talk about! She’ll be sharing with us her top tips for feeding when out and about – and how you too can become a confident badass breastfeeder!

Mark your calendar for Wednesday 4 August and join us on Instagram at 7pm GMT.

Thursday 4 August

Common breastfeeding myths | Lucy Ruddle, IBCLC

Lucy Ruddle World Breastfeeding Week 2022 Instagram live - Common breastfeeding myths

Lucy Ruddle is an author, speaker and Lactation Consultant who has helped thousands of families breastfeed successfully – both in-person and online via @lucy.ruddle.ibclc.

Having just released her latest book ‘Breastfeeding Myths’, we’re excited to pick Lucy’s brain. What are those common myths and how do they have the potential to be damaging to a persons breastfeeding journey?

We’ll also look at ways to ensure we receive the best breastfeeding information and advice.

Mark your calendar for Thursday 4 August and join us on Instagram at 8pm GMT.

Friday 5 August

Breastfeeding a toddler | Jihan Ramirez, mama of one

Jihan Ramirez Instagram live - Breastfeeding a toddler

Jihan Ramirez is a journalist, yoga teacher and mama. Through her Instagram account @jitivoz she regularly gives her loyal followers an insight into her busy life and the realities of breastfeeding her toddler son.

There are many people that set themselves a goal of breastfeeding for 6 months, a year or 18months. But what about breastfeeding beyond infancy in into toddler-hood? Jihan will open up about her breastfeeding journey with her son, including the ups and downs of feeding a toddler. She also offers tips on how to breastfeed a toddler with confidence and pride.

Mark your calendar for Friday 5 August and join us on Instagram at 2pm GMT.

Saturday 6 August

Partners supporting breastfeeding | Joel Macadar, husband and first-time dad

Joel Macadar Instagram Live - Partners supporting breastfeeding

Joel became a father for the first time in 2021 and has learnt a lot in that short time – specifically how to support his wife whom is breastfeeding. He now shares his tips and tricks through his rapidly growing Instagram account @stressedwithoutabreast

Many people worry about how best they can support their breastfeeding partner – and sometimes they can feel at a loss as to what to do to really help! But Joel is here is remind us that there is so many practical and rewarding ways in which you can supporter your breastfeeding partner – and bond with your baby too!

Mark your calendar for Saturday 6 August and join us on Instagram at 2pm GMT.

Sunday 7 August

Breastfeeding older babies and children | Emma Pickett IBCLC

Emma Pickett World Breastfeeding Week 2022 Instagram Live - Breastfeeding older babies and children

Emma Pickett is an IBCLC and breastfeeding counsellor who this year won the LCGB award for outstanding contribution to breastfeeding. On Instagram, @emmapickettibclc shares helpful and honest insights on breastfeeding.

One of Emma’s specialist subjects is breastfeeding older babies and children and she even wrote a book about it. Despite the fact the World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding for two years, there is still a stigma around breastfeeding past infancy. We look at what more needs to be done to normalise breastfeeding older babies & children.

Mark your calendar for Sunday 7 August and join us on Instagram at 6pm GMT.

You could win the Lola&Lykke Electric Breast Pump

Tune in to our Instagram Lives every day to hear how you can win the award-winning Lola&Lykke Smart Electric Breast Pump!

Lola&Lykke award winning breast pump

Make sure you are following boobingit on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to join in with all our World Breastfeeding Week initiatives.

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