When I was breastfeeding my first born, Efelin, I don’t recall being out and about much, not enough to feel the fear and anxiety of what other people might think.
My daughter fed so often that I remember being permanently attached to the sofa. She would feed for an hour at a time, with a 10 minute break, and back for an hour feed. It was relentless, and it went on for 6 months. I don’t think I left the house very much.
I rarely left the house with my first-born
I don’t remember many memories with her outside of the house during that time, I just remember relentless screaming, refusing to feed, not wanting to be put down. It was so tough and I remember thinking “oh my god, I can’t go out of the house like this, people will look at me, they’ll judge”.
Before I had a baby, I myself judged parents who “couldn’t control” their newborn baby screaming. But being on the other side as a first-time mum changed all that. Suddenly I could relate to those new parents with a baby that just wouldn’t settle.
Before I had a baby, I myself judged parents who “couldn’t control” their newborn baby screaming.
A CMPA diagnosis changed everything
Thankfully, my experience feeding my daughter improved when she was 6 months and diagnosed with Cows Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA).
It was such a relief to get a diagnosis of CMPA, which is an immune response triggered by the proteins found in cow’s milk, leading to symptoms such as skin rashes, digestive problems, and respiratory issues in infants and young children.

Since her CMPA diagnosis, Efelin became so much more settled and even began sleeping through the night. I finally felt I was able to take her out without thinking she’ll scream the place down and I’d be boo’d out of town”.
I loved breastfeeding second time around
This time around, with my second child Oakley, it’s been a whole other experience. Different, lovely and special. I LOVE feeding Oakley. He’s had no issues, allergies or problems.
I’ve breastfed in public since the day after my son was born. I don’t give it a second thought. I never think “is it okay to feed him here?”. I’ve breastfed him sitting at a desk in front of the sales man at the car garage, I’ve fed him in the park, whilst having a coffee and even when getting my hair done! I’ve expressed in the middle of my work whilst patients have watched me, every single time without thinking “gosh, is this okay? Should I ask permission?” Because NO, you should NEVER ask for permission to feed your baby!

I’ve breastfed in public since the day after my son was born. I give it no second thought.
Breastfeeding is ok to do anywhere
I will NEVER ask “is this ok?” Because it is. IT IS OK. It is okay to feed your baby when they need to be fed. It is NORMAL AND NATURAL to breastfeed or express for your child because it is necessary. It keeps them alive!
Do we criticise parents for making up formula in public? No. So mind your own business and just say “how lovely, well done you, you’re doing an amazing job!” when you spot that mum hiding away in public while breastfeeding their baby or expressing milk for them.