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Breastfeeding benefits

Breastfeeding benefits

We’ve all heard the term ‘breast is best’, but what exactly does this mean? What are the true benefits of breastfeeding for mamas and babies? Is breastmilk really that magical?! Understanding the many ways breastfeeding can have a positive effect on our life can be very empowering.

New findings of breastmilk and breastfeeding are discovered all the time and it’s hard to keep up! We are here to lift the lid on the latest breastfeeding information and research and deliver it to you in a way that makes total sense! That’s because we believe understanding the benefits of breastfeeding can be very empowering and motivating. We’re excited to bring you all the latest news and updates.

Today May 19 is World Day of Human Milk Donation Originating in Brazil in 2004 as a national event the nbsp day nbsp was created

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to provide nutrients to your baby Not only is it a bonding experience that has numerous other emotional

By Jennifer Couzin Frankel Despite nourishing babies for millennia the alchemy of human breast milk remains mysterious One unknown is how ingredients in the milk

Using a sling or carrier to support your child whilst they feed from your body can give a massive boost to your feeding journey when

I discovered the wonders of breast milk soap after a horrible bout of mastitis My baby was only a few months old when I fell

Living through the Covid 19 pandemic is hard it 8217 s isolating lonely and stressful for all of us Now imagine you 8217 re a

by Donna Murray RN BSN T​he taste of breast milk is generally considered to be sweet and creamy with a pleasant flavor However when it

Ah sleep that thing we took for granted pre kids When lie ins and uninterrupted nights of sleep were something that just happened We didn

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