How to pump breast milk without a pump

Close up of mixed race young young adult mother holding her baby boy in her arms

by Kirstie Landry

​S​toring breast milk is not hard, as there are plenty of ways to do so efficiently. Furthermore, there is also a hack that will help breastfeeding moms produce more milk when they pump it. However, there are times when breastfeeding moms might not be able to get to their breast pump or their baby. Times like this is when it might be useful for them to know how to use just their hands to pump their milk. Here is what they should know.

Have the baby nearby

If women find that they are struggling to get any milk out when they pump (whether they are using their hands or not), then they should try to do it near their baby. However, if that is not possible, they should look at a picture of their little one, or just think about them. According to, doing this like that will help a woman pump some milk out when she needs to. Furthermore, there are tips they can follow if they use breast pumps.

Clothing helps

Pumping milk away from one’s baby can be really hard for moms to do, and that is true whether or not they are doing so by hand. However, there are some things that they can try doing to make it a bit easier. One of the things a woman can try doing to make pumping her milk by hand a little easier is having an article of clothing that smells like her baby with her. In fact, this might be something a woman should try if she has a baby in the NICU. It can be really helpful for moms who breastfeed.

Pumping milk away from one’s baby can be really hard for moms to do, and that is true whether or not they are doing so by hand.

Hands should be washed

Mothers really need to make sure that they keep themselves as clean as they possibly can, especially if they are breastfeeding their babies. One way ladies can do that is by washing their hands.

This article was originally published on Babygaga. Read the article in full here.

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