“I’ve never felt pressured to breastfeed but I have felt pressure to formula feed”

When I was pregnant with my son Frankie I remember reading about the benefits of breastfeeding and how it helped reduce the risk of SIDS. All of this was a major driver to wanting to breastfeed. I wanted to give him the best possible start in life and I was determined to succeed.

I find it amazing that breast milk is specially designed to meet the needs of your baby, and that the components of the milk change to support your growing baby.

When he latched for the first time, I was elated

I still remember the feeling of elation when Frankie latched after birth. I knew how important that golden hour was to help establish supply and so it was important for me to feed him straight away. I remember feeling really proud of him, that my little baby just knew what to do.

Breastfeeding is the embodiment of teamwork. The further we get along in our journey the more mesmerised I become. We work in tandem, him encouraging my body to produce enough milk to help nourish his body, trusting one another throughout. It’s hard but it’s also natural. It’s a deeply personal process that has created an unbreakable bond.

Breastfeeding is the embodiment of teamwork. The further we get along in our journey the more mesmerised I become.

It’s been one hell of a journey so far

We’ve just got past the 6-month mark and I feel so grateful we have made it this far on our journey. We’ve arrived at such a strong place and I’m so proud of us for getting here.

We have had one hell of a journey with mental and physical challenges to overcome. Thee have been feelings of loneliness, engorgement, cluster feeding, sore nipples, blocked ducts, and mastitis. I wanted to give up so many times, mainly during the cluster feeding. I regularly questioned if we were doing the right thing. It’s been tough but it’s been so worth it.

I regularly questioned if we were doing the right thing. It’s been tough but it’s been so worth it.

I am fully committed to being the only source of food, to comfort feeding, to feeding to sleep, to not being able to be without him for extended periods, to night feeds etc – we’ve got this because we’re a team.

I’ve felt pressure to formula feed

I’ve never felt pressured to breastfeed but I have felt pressure to formula feed. I live in Wales, where only 1% of women breastfeed until 6 months. Personally, I don’t know anyone breastfeeding a baby past 6 months and I think there’s just alot of misinformation about breastfeeding.

I live in Wales, where only 1% of women breastfeed until 6 months.

For example, I’ve been questioned on whether I produce enough milk as Frankie used to feed most of the day. Thankfully I knew that cluster feeding was normal for a newborn. I’ve also been asked how long I plan on breastfeeding – something I’ve even been guilty of asking others! But how often do we ask formula-feeding mums how long they plan on formula feeding? It implies there should be a date on which we stop breastfeeding.

I feel as a society we can be misinformed on breastfeeding and we need to do better to support mums when they struggle by providing the correct advice. With more support and the right advice, then people can make informed decisions on how they want to feed their babe.

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