Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex D MER is a term used to describe the intense feelings of anxiety sadness or anger which impact some breastfeeding women
One in five women experience feelings of aversion during breastfeeding according to a new Australian study suggesting the phenomenon is more prevalent than previously recognised
I consider myself fortunate to not have felt touched out at all for the first 18 months or so of my son s life In
When I think about nursing older babies and children I am filled with joy For me it is a feeling of nostalgia as my youngest
Never did I imagine I 8217 d still be nursing my son at almost 17 months when at the beginning I couldn 8217 t see
This week on the boobingit podcast my special guest is international speaker campaigner and author Zainab Yate Zainab is a breastfeeding advocate and infant feeding
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