When is the right time to wean my nursling? How long is milk good for? Who gets that decision in my family? Is it just for my benefit now?
The right time to wean for both of my small people will always be their decision. Giving them that control gives autonomy and enables them to know that, as their mummy, I trust their ability to make a decision. Whilst I am mindful that natural term weaning will reduce my chances of breast cancer, I am also aware of a lot of benefits for their health.
My Daughter Self Weaned When She Was Seven
My daughter self weaned at 7 years 4 months and it was beautiful. I look upon our feeding journey as one of our greatest accomplishments. Just like my current nursling (her younger brother), she and I overcame multiple barriers to feed for the length of time we did.
My daughter self weaned at 7 years 4 months and it was beautiful.

Neither feeding journey has been straight forward, nor easy. From all three of us it has taken determination and stubbornness to continue over the years. Milk doesn’t loose its goodness as our smalls age. The amazing thing about human milk is that it will always adapt with each and every feed, thus adapting as our smalls age.
As each day my son is just a little bigger, our positioning adapts with each feed too. He was born at 38&3 weighing 9lb 4oz and we never fed in “traditional” positioning but we found ways and positions which work for us and that is what matters.
How Long We Feed For Is Our Business
Our feeding journey is ours. It is for us to negotiate and navigate and whilst the world may think it can comment and make judgement as to whether is is appropriate to feed beyond infancy. But they do not get a real say as it is not them receiving the benefit from the feeds, nor their body providing them. If they’ve nothing positive to share, then please leave the negativity for something else.

The closeness and connection I feel when feeding my son is sacred. The calming it delivers is majestical. The stress relieving is golden, and the everything else is awe inspiring.
The closeness and connection I feel when feeding my son is sacred.
So what’s the difference of age? Not a great deal except more understanding from both me and he, more trust, more love, more strength and a stronger bond.
My body has failed so often in the past but when it comes to feeding my small people it excels!
As someone wise once said “I make milk, whats your superpower?”