4 reasons why hands-free pumping is a complete game-changer

Fraupow hands free breast pump

During your breastfeeding journey, there will likely come a time when you will want (or need) to use a breast pump to express milk for your little one. Having the ability to express milk can be incredibly rewarding and can bring with it a lot of flexibility in terms of how you are able to feed your child. 

In the last few years, hands-free pumps like Fraupow’s hands-free wearable breast pump have revolutionised pumping for mothers around the world – allowing them to pump on their terms in a way that fits in with their lifestyle and desire to give their baby the best start in life. 

Here are just some of the reasons people use a breast pump

  • Baby has been born sick or premature and you want to give them your expressed milk.
  • Baby has problems latching on to the breast and you want to give them a bottle of expressed milk.
  • To increase your milk supply and stimulate milk production.
  • To exclusively pump milk for your little one.
  • To give sore nipples a break and a chance to heal after constant feeding sessions or poor latch problems.
  • To get relief from a blocked duct or help avoid mastitis.
  • Prescribed medication that is unsafe to take whilst breastfeeding and so you need to ‘pump and dump’.
  • Being away from baby for an extended period of time

Whether you are pumping in the short or long-term, there are likely lots of questions you have around pumping – from the type of breast pump to get and how to increase milk production to how best to store your breast milk and whether or not you have to ‘pump and dump.’ It can often feel overwhelming and knowing where to turn for help and advice may be difficult.

Pumping mamas can feel isolated and alone

mother pumping with Fraupow hands-free breast pump

Being able to access the right help and support with breastfeeding can be incredibly difficult. So many breastfeeding support group focus on feeding from the breast and the challenges that come with that. But what about the pumping mamas, who are struggling and perhaps feeling isolated on their feeding journey?

In an effort to support all pumping mamas – whether exclusively pumping or not – Fraupow has set up a dedicated community support group. A place to seek advice and tips from other like-minded mamas to ensure you have a successful pumping experience. It will be a space to ask any and all pumping questions – nomatter how small or ‘silly’ you think they may be. 

In an effort to support all pumping mamas – whether exclusively pumping or not – Fraupow has set up a dedicated community support group.

One of the most frequently asked questions about pumping is around hands-free pumps and whether they are ‘worth it’. Are they really as good as the more traditional manual or electric pumps we’re accustomed to seeing? 

At Fraupow we created a hands-free wearable breast pump that we knew would fit seamlessly into a person’s busy family life. Perhaps they have to go back to work soon after giving birth, or they have other children and commitments which makes sitting down and breastfeeding and/or using a traditional pump more difficult. A hands-free pump gives them a freedom and flexibility that other traditional pumps simply cannot.

But don’t take our word for it!

Let’s look at 4 ways in which hands-free pumps have been game-changers for lots of mothers and their families:

1. Super discreet pumping

mother discreetly pumping under her top
Daisy Weston using Fraupow’s hands-free pump under her top

Most pumping mamas choose to pump in private due to the nature and design of traditional breast pumps, which tend to be bulky, clumsy and noisy. It doesn’t exactly allow for being sociable!

In comparison, hands-free pumps are small, lightweight and quiet and can be worn inside your nursing bra, with no tubes or wires. They are ideal if you think you’ll want or need to pump regularly whilst at work. Lots of mamas use Fraupow’s wearable breast pump in the company of others – confident that they can discreetly pump when the need arises.

2. Easy to use and easy to clean

Fraupow's hands-free pump

One of the biggest drawbacks of being a pumping mama is the sheer amount of washing and sterilsing you have to do. Traditional electric pumps come with lots of parts and wires, making cleaning them and putting them back together fiddly and time-consuming. 

A wearable breast pump has a streamlined design making it easy to use and easy to clean. No wires, no plugs, no hassle! That means you have more time to do what you need to do in between pumping sessions.

3. Pump on the go, anytime, anywhere 

mother pumping milk at the gym
Rosanna Bennett pumping at the gym

When you imagine pumping milk, you visualise someone sitting down attached to a pump, right? Freedom and movement is not an option! Being attached to a pump for long periods of time can make you feel trapped and perhaps even resentful.

Hands-free pumping means you can pump on the go, anytime, anywhere! You can run errands, go to the gym, work or play with kids. Lots of people also love using hands-free pumps whilst travelling as they are fuss-free and more straight-forward to use than traditional pumps.

4. Pumping becomes quicker, easier and less stressful

mother using the Fraupow hands-free breast pump
Rebekah Llewelyn uses the Fraupow hands-free breast pump

Pumping milk can be stress-inducing for lots of people. Alongside the fact traditional style pumping takes time and effort, you can quickly become fixated on how much you are pumping. 

One of the benefits of hands-free pumping is you can better ‘switch off’ and get on with your day, leading to a more stress-free existence. Added to that, Fraupow’s wearable breast pump has a powerful suction (of various intensity) – meaning expressing milk is efficient, quick and simple.

Pumping milk can be stress-inducing for lots of people. Alongside the fact traditional style pumping takes time and effort, you can quickly become fixated on how much you are pumping. 

It’s easy to see why hands-free pumping really can be a game-changer and make expressing milk for your little one a more enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Pumping has come a long way in the last few years and we thank our lucky stars for that!

If you’d like to hear from other mamas and seek out help, advice and reassurance on your pumping journey, then join Fraupow’s Facebook group. It’s completely free to join and you’ll get real-life tips and be part of a growing community of like-minded mamas.

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