In this episode of the podcast I am joined by Sara, whose story about breastfeeding after a caesarean section features in the boobingit book ‘Breastfeeding for Beginners‘. Sara opens up and tells us what it was like giving birth to her little girl Layla and her experience of breastfeeding after a casesarean section. She takes us through the immediate aftermath and the days, weeks, and months that followed.

Sara’s journey to motherhood was not an easy one. She had multiple miscarriages before getting pregnant with Layla, and then she had to have a lot of help and intervention to help her carry Layla to term. It was towards the end of her pregnancy she was told a caesarean section would be the safest option for her and her baby. As soon as Layla was born safe and sound, Sara knew she wanted to breastfeed straight-away.
During those early days and weeks after birth, the support of her partner was invaluable, especially since she was recovering from surgery and depended on him to do a lot for her and the baby, as well as all the housework! We talk about the crucial role partners and others can play after birth and in supporting the mother and breastfeeding.
“My husband Chris was able to take three weeks off work when Layla was born so he was able to help me with Layla as well as do bits around the house that I usually do but couldn’t because of the caesarean. Those simple acts really helped calm me and meant I was then more relaxed with Layla.”
Listen to the episode here
Sara’s key talking points
- The difficulty she had maintaining a pregnancy and why she had to have a caesarean section with Layla
- Getting the latch and positioning right for breastfeeding after a caesarean section
- Recovering at home after a caesarean section, and the important role her partner played
- Her advice to other mamas going in to have a caesarean section
- How she surpassed her goal of breastfeeding for six months