Celebrating Two Years of Breastfeeding—Again!

Two years ago I had the most beautiful (but fast!) labour and birth. Very quickly after my girl was born I started my second breastfeeding journey and I became a tandem feeding mum.

My oldest was 25 months and continued to be breastfed until she was 1000 days old which was a few days short of two years and nine months. This meant I tandem fed them both for seven months. This is something that I am really proud of.

Breastfeeding For Two Years Is Not Common In The UK

Breastfeeding for two years isn’t common in the UK but I am proud that I was able to breastfeed for as long as I did. The WHO recommends breastfeeding for 2 years so breastfeeding through my pregnancy was important to me. It was met with speculation from others but my youngest was 8lbs 11oz and born on her due date so it had no effect on her growth.

I was lucky to be on a quick discharge but I still managed to get to chat with the breastfeeding support worker that came round the ward. (I never got any of this with my first because she was born in lockdown. I actually taught myself how to breastfeed by watching lives and videos on Instagram.) She talked to me about her experiences of tandem feeding and she really encouraged me. It was great to hear about all the positives of tandem feeding and it really inspired me to give it a go. I didn’t know anyone else “in person” that had done it and this really was a lovely experience.

Megan Girvan breastfeeding her daughter

Benefits Of Tandem Feeding

There were definitely benefits to tandem feeding, especially in the early days. I found that because I was still breastfeeding I didn’t have any nipple pain the second time around and I only had one morning where I was slightly engorged but my toddler stepped up and quickly solved that. 

My oldest was only feeding at bed time and at night so it wasn’t too bad. She naturally weaned and told me my “boobies were broken” one night. It was as if she lost the ability over a few days. And I can safely day my boobies were not broken as they fed her sister five minutes later!

Last night when I was feeding my youngest whilst watching the TV, I thought back to four years ago when I became a first time mum in a completely different world. I could never have imagined I would have still be breastfeeding the night before my second babies second birthday.

I could never have imagined I would have still be breastfeeding the night before my second babies second birthday.

Megan Girvan breastfeeding in the car

Breastfeeding Beyond Infancy Should Be Normalised

There have been plenty of “she is too old” and “you need to get her off that” comments but breastfeeding beyond infancy it still nutritionally beneficial. Not to mention, my risk of many health conditions, such as breast cancer, is lowered.

Breastfeeding a toddler should be normalised. Our breastfeeding rates are very low and the reasons why would need a whole new article! However, I hope that sharing my story inspires at least one person to continue breastfeeding beyond babyhood and to know that tandem feeding is perfectly normal too.

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