Ep.24. Izzy Judd on the ups and downs of breastfeeding her three children

Izzy Judd, the boobingit podcast

In the first boobingit podcast episode of 2022, I sit down with Izzy Judd to talk about her three very different breastfeeding experiences. Izzy is a mama of three, author and the wife of Harry Judd from the band McFly. You may also know Izzy as the violinist with the electric string quartet Escala, who took part in Britain’s Got Talent in 2008.

Having recently given birth to her third child, Lockie, Izzy is in the depths of the newborn phase and she goes into detail about the ups and downs of breastfeeding third time around.

We also look back on her early fertility struggles, her pregnancies and her very different breastfeeding experiences with her oldest two children, Lola and Kit.

Izzy is the first to admit breastfeeding has never been an easy journey for her to tread, having encountered multiple issues, including tongue ties, poor latches, and recurrent mastitis.

She speaks openly about how breastfeeding can be a more complex task with older children around and how she’s always tried her best to make it work – whether exclusively breastfeeding or combination feeding.

“I’ve had three babies and my boobs have worked differently each time. With Lola, I was like a dairy cow, with Kit my milk supply was on the floor – nothing. Then with Lockie, I had really painful blockages and reoccurring mastitis. No journey has been the same.

Listen to the episode here

Izzy’s talking points

  • Her and Harry’s fertility struggles and how she had her firstborn Lola through IVF
  • How she breastfed Lola for six months and her lack of confidence when it came to breastfeeding in public
  • The milk supply issues she experienced with her son Kit and how their journey ended sooner than she wanted
  • Dealing with recurrent mastitis and how it’s impacting her feeding journey with her youngest son Lockie
  • The support she’s received from her husband Harry and her advice for others starting out on their breastfeeding journey

Podcast sponsors – Ardo Medical Ltd

Thank you to Ardo medical Ltd for sponsoring this episode of the boobingit podcast.

Ardo is a Swiss family-owned company, supplying products from conception, pregnancy, and birth, which includes their award-winning breast pumps and accessories. They are NHS Approved and WHO Code compliant.

You can find out more about Ardo and their range of products to support conception, pregnancy, and childbirth on their website ardobreastpumps.co.uk.

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