In celebration of World Breast Pumping Day, Boobingit is proud to collaborate with Ardo UK to shine a spotlight on the diverse and inspiring stories of pumping mothers.
World Breast Pumping Day is a global day celebrated annually on the 27 January and is dedicated to recognising and celebrating the incredible journeys of pumping mothers.
With this in mind we hear from a selection of breastfeeding mamas about their reasons for expressing breast milk with a breast pump. Whether it’s navigating the challenges of balancing work and motherhood, overcoming physical hurdles, or simply making pumping work day-to-day, these real-life experiences highlight the resilience and determination of breastfeeding parents.
Through this collection, we aim to celebrate the journeys of those who pump and the vital role it plays in supporting their breastfeeding goals.
Pumping To Boost My Milk Supply
Zaneta’s Story

When I gave birth to Dorothy I knew what I was doing when it came to breastfeeding as I’d breastfed her older sister Hettie for 13 months.
However, 24 hours after giving birth Dorothy became a reluctant feeder and lost body weight. The midwife gave me an Ardo breast pump to help me with my milk supply. I was then loaned an Ardo pump from the hospital to take home which really helped the first few weeks to get me into a rhythm of both successfully breastfeeding and bottle feeding.
24 hours after giving birth Dorothy became a reluctant feeder and lost body weight
I went on to buy my own Ardo electric breast pump and, 11 months on, I still use my pump daily!
You can read Zaneta’s breastfeeding journey with Hettie here.
Returning To Work and Pumping
Grace’s Story
When I went back to work after having my first son, I very much wanted a wearable pump. This is because I work in a busy, sometimes stressful, operating theatre department so on my pump breaks I need down time to relax. Being able to be hands-free and enjoy a hot drink or scroll baby pictures on my phone (tip – looking at cute baby photos helps with my let-down!) while expressing makes the whole experience more enjoyable.
Fast forward a few years and wearable pumps have become even better and more efficient. I knew I wanted to continue to use a wearable breast pump to make the transition of going back to work and breastfeeding as easy as possible.
This time around, when returning to work after having my second son Walter, I used the Ardo Melia Wearable Double Electric Breast Pump. With the breast pump being wearable in a bra, I don’t have to think about what I’m wearing as they work with a normal bra. No wires or tubes means I don’t need to be close to a plug socket and can actually pump on the move if I want/need to.
With the breast pump being wearable in a bra, I don’t have to think about what I’m wearing as they work with a normal bra.
Even though using a wearable breast pump makes expressing so convenient, it still takes time and energy to do. Now I make sure to sit down and enjoy a brew and biscuit while pumping. This helps me relax and it also ensures I’m well fed and hydrated.
Read can read more about Grace’s experience of returning to work and pumping here.
Expressing Milk for My Premature Baby
Sophie’s Story
Already having had two premature babies, I was well versed with using hospital breast pumps and feeling like a dairy farm. However, when my youngest Charlie was born at 29 weeks gestation I discovered a new pump that totally reinvented the game!
Already having had two premature babies, I was well versed with using hospital breast pumps and feeling like a dairy farm.
I was lucky enough to be in a NICU with a hospital grade Ardo pump, and within a few uses, it not only helped me produce milk but actually increased my (already ample) supply! I regularly got more milk using an Ardo pump compared to other brands.
It wasn’t long before I had their Alyssa hands-free breastpump at home to help maintain my supply in the 7 weeks Charlie was in the NICU – and also when he came home. When Charlie was discharged, he needed a fortifier shot six times a day, a sort of baby weight gain aid, so it was so important to keep a supply of breastmilk readily available.
Using Ardo helped me start our breastfeeding journey in such a positive way as well as enabling my husband to share the load.
You can read more about Sophie’s breastfeeding and pumping experiences here.
Pumping For A Night-Time Bottle Feed
Heather’s Story

Breastfeeding is one of the most rewarding things I’ve done as a first time mum – watching my little Jasper fatten up and brighten, all fuelled by me! But it’s also the most difficult, especially in the early days when it was a 24 hour job.
Taking advice from my midwife I took to pumping once a day as soon as my milk came in, so my husband could take on a night feed and I could get a stretch of sleep (as much as possible!).
Taking advice from my midwife I took to pumping once a day as soon as my milk came in
The Ardo Melia wearable breastpump made pumping so easy for this first time aching new mum. It’s now a vital part of our family routine and my husband loves his late night staring contests with our milk drunk babe.
We’re introducing a lunchtime bottle soon too so I can get a midday break as well as a midnight one, as pumping is proving so fruitful!
These heartfelt stories remind us of the dedication, love, and effort that pumping parents pour into nurturing their little ones. By sharing these experiences, we hope to empower and inspire other parents on their own breastfeeding journeys.
A big thank you to Ardo UK for supporting this initiative and to all the incredible mothers who shared their stories. Let’s continue to celebrate pumping parents everywhere, not just on World Breastpumping Day, but every day! You can check out Ardo’s range of breast pumps online at