Returning To Work As A Breastfeeding Mum And Using A Wearable Breast Pump

Something I’m really passionate about is continuing to breastfeed when returning to work. Having done it twice now I feel I’ve quickly settled into a routine of pumping while away from my baby on shift work.

I returned to work a few months ago, just before my little boy turned one. Thankfully we’ve both settled into a new routine well and breastfeeding is still a big part of our lives. Like most working mums, I have to take each week as it comes! We have no strict routine due to the nature of my mixed shifts, and managing two children and childcare.

Grace Redmond feeding youngest son Walter

Grace pictured with her two boys

Mixed Emotions When Going Back To Work

Returning to work brings a mix of emotions. I can’t wait to get back to the job that I love and being more than just ‘mum’, but I also miss the freedom of maternity leave and spending so much time with my boys.

Many mums think that returning to work means the end of their breastfeeding journey however this isn’t the case! You’ve worked so hard to reach this point, why stop now? The benefits for you both continue and it’s a great way to reconnect when reunited when you’ve been at work.

Adjusting To A New Routine

I returned to work when my first child was 11 months and I still managed to nurse him until he was two years old. My mindset is that I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. Of course I still worried about how my youngest Walter would cope being away from me…but most importantly away from my milk!

One of my concerns with Walter is that he never really accepted a bottle – which is a common concern for a lot of mums who exclusively breastfeed. Thankfully he is a good eater and does well drinking water when away from me. He has adapted well to being away from me and nursery have commented on how happy he is.

Supportive Work Environment

For my part, I consider myself very lucky that my workplace and colleagues are very supportive of me continuing to breastfeed. Having a supportive work environment makes all the difference to mothers returning to paid work and this is something I’ve openly discussed in my previous article ‘Breastfeeding and returning to work -10 tips to help you through‘.

Now that I have embarked on my second ‘back to work’ journey I want to share what worked for me, the practicalities of expressing milk and why I am a big advocate for wearable breast pumps.

Grace using the Ardo Melia Wearable Double Electric Breast Pump

A Wearable Pump Was Essential To Me

When I went back to work after having my first son, I very much wanted a wearable pump. This is because I work in a busy, sometimes stressful, operating theatre department so on my pump breaks I need down time to relax. Being able to be hands-free and enjoy a hot drink or scroll baby pictures on my phone (tip – looking at cute baby photos helps with my let-down!) while expressing makes the whole experience more enjoyable.

Fast forward a few years and wearable pumps have become even better and more efficient. I knew I wanted to continue to use a wearable breast pump to make the transition of going back to work and breastfeeding as easy as possible.

The Ardo Melia Wearable Double Electric Breast Pump

This time around, when returning to work after having my second son Walter, I was kindly gifted the Ardo Melia Wearable Double Electric Breast Pump to try out. The Ardo Melia breast pump is comfortable against my skin thanks to the soft silicone and the fact there are fewer parts to contend with (in comparison to a standard electric pump). The single or double pump gives me the option to express milk from both breasts at the same time which is more convenient.

With the breast pump being wearable in a bra, I don’t have to think about what I’m wearing as they work with just a normal bra. No wires or tubes means I don’t need to be close to a plug socket and can actually pump on the move if I want/need to. The Melia breast pump has a battery time of 100-135 minutes so I don’t have to worry about charging at work – and this has been really reassuring to me. 

The Ardo Melia double electric breast pump - battery life

A close-up look at the Ardo Melia Wearable Breast Pump

I Aim To Pump Every Three Hours

In those first few months of being back to work I aimed to pump milk every three hours, or when I started to feel uncomfortable. This helped maintain my milk supply and prevented me from becoming engorged and at risk of mastitis

Now that I have been back to work for five months, I find I only need to express once during my shift.It’s amazing how our bodies (and babies) can adjust to new routines.

Make Sure Your Breast Pump Works For You

I eventually want to be able to stop pumping at work so I have slowly been reducing the amount and length of session. I really appreciate how the Melia has 15 adjustable vacuum levels and 4 expression modes so I can tailor the pumping session to my needs. Recently, for example, I have reduced my pump time from 20 to just 10 minutes which is a lot more manageable.

It’s also worth mentioning here that it’s so important to make sure your pump is the right fit for you. One size doesn’t fit all! Check the flange size and measure your nipple to avoid making yourself sore and causing any nipple trauma. The Melia has a 24mm silicone breastshell but comes with a 19mm soft insert so I know I can get a good fit.

Grace pictured in one of the baby feeding/expressing rooms at work

Self-Care When Expressing Milk Is Important

Something I need to remind myself of is self care. Even though using a wearable breast pump makes expressing so convenient, it still takes time and energy to do. Expressing milk can still be stressful and daunting to do whilst at work and juggling your other responsibilities.

With this being the second time I’ve returned to work whilst breastfeeding, I’ve learnt from past mistakes of pushing myself too much. Now I make sure to sit down and enjoy a brew and biscuit while pumping. This helps me relax and it also ensures I’m well fed and hydrated. It’s so important I keep my energy levels up when working long shifts.

You Got This!

At the moment your return to work may feel overwhelming but I promise it gets easier, you’ve overcome every challenge you’ve faced so far. This is just another part of your breastfeeding journey. You got this!

For more practical information on breastfeeding and returning to work, you can read my top tip guide here.

Disclaimer: Grace Redmond was gifted the Ardo Melia breast pump to review on, as part of a boobingit X Ardo paid collaboration. Her words and review are all her own.

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