“The most challenging thing about breastfeeding after a c-section was…”

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Say hi to Sara and her little one Layla! Find out how this independent mama coped with breastfeeding after a planned c-section. What worked and what didn’t work for her?

I had a planned c-section

Sara feeding her daughter Layla

I had a planned c-section and because it was so calm and organized I honestly believe that affected my mood greatly. I was instantly hooked on my beautiful baby girl.

My milk came in when Layla was four days old. I was lucky, it was tricky for a few days but then I started to get the hang of it and how my baby ‘worked’.

The most challenging thing about breastfeeding after having a c-section was not being able to lift her from the moses basket into bed through the night for the first week or so to feed her. I had to ask my husband to lift her and give her to me which was hard. I’m really independent and always whizzing about so to take my time and ask for help was difficult for me. 

I’m really independent and always whizzing about so to take my time and ask for help was difficult for me. 

Good days and bad days

I had good days and bad days but I think the important thing is happy mum, happy baby. Do what feels best for you and your baby will gain so much from just that. If you’re having a bad milk supply day or just can’t get the best latch then it’s ok to give yourself a break and give your baby a bit of formula. A full baby is a happy baby. 

Do what feels best for you and your baby will gain so much from just that.

My other bit of advice would be to keep on top of your pain killers because when it’s sore it’s really sore. You can end up hunched over breastfeeding so that’s pressure on your wound. If you aren’t in discomfort then you will be in better form to try feeding and hopefully you can then relax into it as I did.”

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