These are the 10 breastfeeding hacks Instagrammers swear by

breastfeeding hacks

Let’s be honest, any way in which we can make our breastfeeding and motherhood journey easier is a big WIN! And where better to find ingenious breastfeeding hacks that actually WORK than on Instagram?

We’ve scoured the Instagram world for the best possible breastfeeding tips and tricks and delivered them to you in one handy list! Some of them are so simple (using things you already have at home), you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of them yourself! Check them out for some breastfeeding inspiration.

1. Create your own breastfeeding/pumping station at home

It can be so annoying when you sit down to breastfed and then find everything you want or need is out of reach. You’ve left your water and snacks in the kitchen, the television remote is just out of reach and you’ve completely forgotten you need a new pair of breast pads! Ah, send help! But what about setting yourself up with a little breastfeeding station, complete with all your essentials? Take inspiration from erikacolemanec and put together a transportable trolley with everything you need for feeding and tending to baby, including breast pumping equipment, nappies and muslin clothes.

2. Make dresses work for you – choose button-downs or use the ‘back-to-front’ trick

Do you feel restricted in what you can wear now that you’re a breastfeeding mama? Think you can only wear breastfeeding-specific clothes? Think again! Make dresses work for you by choosing cleverly. Neverfullydressed shows us an ingenious hack for wearing dresses back to front whilst motherhustleruk swears by button-down dresses for easy access when feeding baby on the go.

3. Neatly organise breast milk in your freezer

Are you a pumping mama who is rapidly running out of room in her freezer for her stashes of breast milk? Well, this hack from mypuredelivery shows how you can save space and money really easily! No need to run out and buy a fancy storage container. Just grab some scissors and a cardboard box and create a custom holder for your breast milk storage bags.

4. How to stop baby scratching you during feeds

Have you got a lively little feeder on your hands? Are they always reaching for you and sometimes scratching you? Well, try give their hands something to fiddle with and wear a long breastfeeding necklace. It’s an easy hack, plus you get to have fun with accessories again!

5. Stop the milk spill

Ever since breast milk suction devices came on the market a few years ago they’ve been a fantastic help to many breastfeeding mamas. The only thing is they can easily topple over. One nudge and all your precious milk has gone to waste! But a super easy hack for you is to simply have a coffee mug to hand to pop the milk collector in. Hey presto, no more crying over spilt milk! Thanks katemartinblogs for the top tip!

6. Use a boob bib!

Have you got an overactive letdown or is your baby always coming on and off the boob, making your milk spray everywhere? Well, next time you sit down for a feed, grab one of your baby’s bibs and put it around your feeding boob to catch the milk spray and any milk dribbles from baby!

7. For the breastfed babies who take bottles

If your baby takes bottles of expressed milk and you’re finding it hard to keep track of what bottle has what day’s milk in it, then melodyfabien has a great tip for you. Simply get some clear tape and write the date and time of when the milk was expressed on the tape. No more getting mixed up! Plus, it’s super useful if you have other people are giving baby a bottle as it keeps them right too.

8. How to breastfeed an easily-distracted baby

As babies get older they naturally become more alert and interested in the world around them. This can mean they become easily distracted whilst feeding. So how can you help ensure they get in a good feed? Try standing up to feed them. Good for them and a great workout for your arms, according to georgina.dowden.ibclc!

9. Use a toothbrush to relieve a plugged duct

One of the most common challenges faced when breastfeeding is that of a plugged duct. It can be really sore! Luckily Sarah from nurturingbirthandbeyond has an ingenous hack to share. She recommends using an electric toothbrush whilst pumping or expressing to help break it up.

10. The breastfeeding hack for dads!

For the dads out there who also want to try a breastfeeding hack, then iamchinomarin has you covered. See how he makes use of a breastfeeding pillow to hold his baby close whilst gaming? Multi-tasking daddy right here! Plus he’s giving baby mama a break 😉

Have you tried any of these hacks – did they work for you? Maybe you’ve invented your very own breastfeeding hack that you swear by? If so, leave a comment below!

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