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This year marks the 11th year of Black Breastfeeding Week and the organisers have announced the theme for 2023 BBW 2023 We Outside Celebrating Connection

As usual we 8217 ve been keeping a close eye on our favourite celebrity breastfeeding mamas this month We 8217 ve seen celebrities who 8217

Join us for a special live stream to address a very common but preventable problem 8211 sore nipples when breastfeeding During the live stream Ruth

We ve teamed up with four amazing independent brands to run an awesome giveaway in honour of National Breastfeeding Week in England 25 29 June

The group I volunteer with holds its AGM during National Breastfeeding Celebration Week every year We celebrate our successes and look ahead to the new

Despite its numerous health social justice and environmental benefits the current breastfeeding rates in the UK are among the lowest in the world Currently fewer

The World Health Organization WHO and the United Nations Children 8217 s Fund UNICEF are hosting the first Global Congress on the implementation of the

by Ann amp Robert H Lurie Children 8217 s Hospital of Chicago Fathers can make a huge difference in whether an infant is breastfed and

We hear all the time how new mothers felt forced into giving up breastfeeding due to pain and unresolved feeding issues It s always heartbreaking

By Nicole Pomarico Just about everything about being a brand new first time mom can feel like a struggle at times and not even Keke

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