“I wanted to breastfeed for 6 months, but here we are 22 months later!”

Throughout my pregnancy I knew I wanted to breastfeed Florence until she was 6 months old. Due to knowing I was having a caesarean (she was in the breech position), I was worried my milk wouldn’t come in in time….however my milk came in on day 4! 

The first time she latched on to me in hospital, I knew there and then I wanted to get to one year. I was in utter love with the connection I had whilst breastfeeding Florence. 

The first time she latched on to me in hospital, I knew there and then I wanted to get to one year.

Clusterfeeding and cracked nipples

After I hit the first cluster feed at 2/3 weeks, all the love and happiness went out of the window. I felt like Florence was on me 24/7 and just wouldn’t come off me. I started to get cracked nipples, itchiness and then they started to bleed. Due to this I contacted my health visitor who mentioned it is completely normal and to keep Florence on as much as she’s wanting to!

This went on for 3 weeks and I saw the “light” at the end of the tunnel with all the endless nights of cluster feeding! Unfortunately, I was still stuck with the cracked nipples, itchiness and bleeding. So, I contacted my doctor who put me on a cream for my nipples and a gel for Florence’s mouth. It cleared up within a week and was over the moon. 

Natalies breastfeeding her baby in a cafe

I felt like Florence was on me 24/7 and just wouldn’t come off me.

There was no sign of stopping once we hit one year

When we hit one year…I was over the moon! But I was also scared about the judgment from others for carrying on past 1 years old. That’s when I found a local breastfeeding play and stay group local to me. Seeing other mums breastfeeding past 1 years old was a massive relief. I knew I wasn’t alone!

I have received judgment from some people close to me, which is not a nice feeling to say the least, but I knew I was doing the best for me and Florence. 

Natalie breastfeeding her baby on a boat

Seeing other mums breastfeeding past 1 years old was a massive relief. I knew I wasn’t alone!

We are currently trying to night wean

We have co-slept from the day she was born and are currently in the process of trying to get Florence out of the habit of relying on breast through the night and in her own bed. 

We’re now 22 months in and I was hoping to stop when she turns 2 years old in October. However I don’t think that will be happening, due to how much she loves booby!

Natalie breastfeeding her toddler

We have co-slept from the day she was born

When we stop breastfeeding it will be mixed emotions

When the time comes when we do stop, as much as it will break my heart and I will sob like a baby, it will be a bit of a relief. I miss my body not being touched 24/7…and I am struggling mentally and miss being just me not booby. 

Breastfeeding has been the most beautiful yet painful journey I’ve ever been on. Yet I’d do it over and over again.

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