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Packing my hospital bag at around 32 weeks pregnant I still remember ticking off my list nappies 8211 check maternity pads 8211 check magazines 8211

In England the last Infant Feeding Survey took place in 2010 Since then there have been no up to date records of how parents feed

Having a toddler and a new baby can be a big adjustment It 8217 s easy to wonder how you 8217 ll be able to

September is well known for being the most popular birth month with Christmas festivities being the reason And of course with new babies also comes

Our society seems to have this view that breastfeeding beyond 6 months is not necessary That there s something slightly wrong with you if you

Many people have a successful breastfeeding journey without ever needing to express their milk However many feeding journeys will involve expressing and there are various

By Storm Newton A mechanism in the brain could explain why some breastfeeding mothers leak milk when their baby cries and why they continue to

August has been a busy month for breastfeeding awareness as we celebrated World Breastfeeding Week 1 7 August at the start of the month and

A picture is worth a thousand words This is what they say I sit in the summer sun feeding my baby girl This photo is

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