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It s the day after your birth and you are getting into the swing of things You have had a few post birth meals of

Throughout your breastfeeding journey you accumulate bags of expressed breast milk You label it and store it away in the freezer for a rainy day

Netmums recent problematic post Self proclaimed biggest and best parenting network Netmums recently shared a video post on their Instagram page asking parents their views

My first child Freddie was born in July 2020 via elective cesarean section and I naively had done no preparation or research regarding recovery and

March has been an exceptionally busy month and one full of freshness and hope It 8217 s the month we welcomed Spring time and also

by Lori Solomon for Medical Xpress Exclusive breastfeeding duration of at least three months may decrease the risk for childhood hematologic cancers according to a

It is World Down Syndrome Day on the 21st March it is celebrated this day due to the significance of the 21 3 8211 three

Over the years breastfeeding rates decreased as infant formula became more widely promoted and marketed around the world As the decades crept by we saw

By Valerie Flynn The HSE has dropped a target to increase breastfeeding rates by 2 percentage points per year The health service has consistently missed

Picture this I would be walking down the street on a summer day when the world would suddenly seem so dark even though the sun